Auroville always has a special place in my heart. I love running, I love Marathons only because of the emotional bearing it has.
What better place could be there than Auroville to realize that.
Preparation for Auroville Marathon was not ideal as it should have been. I headed to Auroville with just a Half Marathon (21.1 Km) in mind, though I had registered for a 42.195 Km Full Marathon.
Running is a mental exercise rather than a physical one. You train your mind more than your body. You train your mind for anything adverse that may come and also you train your mind to overcome it. Thats the spirit of a marathon.
Just when i wanted to stop at the half way mark, encouragement came from fellow runners to go for the full. Lot of them have seen me during the weekend runs or other events. Though they might not know me personally, they had the confidence in me which I didnt have in myself. I knew I cannot stop, I have do it for them. I went for the full. I knew it was not going to be as comfortable as the first half, yet I went. Woods looked beautiful. It was a whole different world. Body wanted to give up. Mind asked me to find comfort in pain. Mind won the game as I dragged myself to the finish line.
Emotions I went through were indescribable. It was such an upheaval.