Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Celebrate Life!!

What more can be a fitting gift for a marathoner than a PB on his birthday. For that reason, this birth day would always remain as a special one.

Two years ago, I was one of those weird guys who hated birth days.

As you celebrate a birthday, a year had gone in your time sheet and you question yourself whether the year gone by was eventful or was it as expected?. Two years ago, it would have been a big 'NO' from me. Good enough reason for me to hate birth days.

Now it has changed. I love birth days. My perception towards birth days have changed after I started running. I have come to believe that its an opportunity that has been presented once again for you to become who you wanted to be.

I ran this race exactly on my 25th birth day. I gave it all I had. I was rewarded with this beautiful PB which I would cherish for a long time. Running is my way of celebrating beautiful things in life.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Hyderbad Marathon - Battle Well Fought!!

Running a marathon, I believe, is the best way to realize the true potential of a human spirit. Every step you take towards that finish line has so much to teach than you can possibly imagine. It is a fierce battle in which you fight against yourself, trying so hard to suppress the voice of your limitations. This is one battle you would be proud for having taken part no matter what the outcome was.

I did fight the battle against myself at Hyderabad. It was more of me soliciting it rather than forced upon. It would have been a real easy thing to blame it on the field as unfair and be loose on the target I set for myself on that day. But that is not what I am trained for. I am a marathoner. I had to fight it out whatsoever.

When I crossed that finish line, I knew I had lost the battle. Strangely, I wasn’t sad at all. I was happy. Knowingly I gave away every single drop of energy I had to lose the battle. It was a good battle to lose.

Sometimes it is good to lose battles to win a war. I know these battles will make me win the war I am going to wage against myself.