What more can be a fitting gift for a marathoner than a PB on his birthday. For that reason, this birth day would always remain as a special one.
Two years ago, I was one of those weird guys who hated birth days.
As you celebrate a birthday, a year had gone in your time sheet and you question yourself whether the year gone by was eventful or was it as expected?. Two years ago, it would have been a big 'NO' from me. Good enough reason for me to hate birth days.
Now it has changed. I love birth days. My perception towards birth days have changed after I started running. I have come to believe that its an opportunity that has been presented once again for you to become who you wanted to be.
I ran this race exactly on my 25th birth day. I gave it all I had. I was rewarded with this beautiful PB which I would cherish for a long time. Running is my way of celebrating beautiful things in life.